Why Health Workers Means More Profits For Businesses
In today’s world, where science has found out the root cause of many diseases it is easier than ever to stay fit and healthy. For instance, we know less sugar lowers the risk of diabetes, reducing fast-food visits keeps heart healthy, and avoiding sun exposure cuts down on the development of many cancers. Of course, we also know the results vary from person to person but ubiquitously we know humans need to be protected from the sun’s harmful rays. As an employer, you are likely aware that healthy employees are productive employees which is why, a window film is an upgrade is something to consider in your Kansas City office space, not only for the health and wellness of your workers–but in the long run, to increase your profitability. Here is how.
How Daylight Redirecting Window Film Keeps Office Workers Safe
Daylight Redirecting Window Film Improves Employees Mood: Whether an employee sits under a window and gets bombarded with sun or works deep inside your office and gets very little–their moods and mental well-being are very much affected. Daylight redirecting window film takes the intense glare of the sun and redirects it deeper into your Kansas City office so no matter where your employees sit, they have a comfortable desk. Rather than being distressed by too little or too much sun they focus on their work tasks, which, in the end, puts more money into your pocket.
Daylight Redirecting Window Film Protects Employee’s Eyes: Reading a screen under the glare of the sun is incredibly hard on eyes and cause headaches, frustration, and overall slow performance. Daylight Redirecting Window Film, hinders the glare of the sun, sending it up toward the ceiling, so your employees perform at their peak while at the same time protecting their eyes from sun damage. You save on lighting costs too as a direct result of the sun redirection.
Daylight Redirecting Window Film Protects Employees Skin: One in five people will develop some type of skin related cancer in their life by age 70. It is a very real threat but easily controlled with the right precautions. Since, days off for medical care are more expensive for employers than preventative measures, like window film, it just makes good financial sense to have it installed. Applying daylight redirecting film, that blocks 99.9% of UV rays is a great way to aid your employees in staying cancer-free and happy.
For more information on the wonders of daylight redirecting film, watch the video below:
For more information on daylight redirecting window film for health and wellness in your Kansas City office, contact us at Kansas City Commercial Window Tinting today for a free consultation.
About The Author: Mike Kinsey
For over ten years, Mike Kinsey has been working as a consultant, project manager, sales advisor, and expert technician for commercial window film installs in the Kansas City metro area. His ability to successfully execute large scale and complex commercial and industrial projects has given him a reputation as one of the most trusted experts in his field. In addition to his eye for detail and extensive product knowledge, Mike brings with him a unique perspective to every project due to his extensive background in the construction industry. Together, he and his team have successfully installed over 250,000 square feet of window film. With certifications from 3M, EnerLogic, and AIA for continuing education, Mike is a subject matter expert and one of the most accomplished professionals in the industry.
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